Thursday, 2 February 2012


General chaos is the order of the day here, as slave is moving things, shooing me away from interesting new things to chew, taking away my favourite daytime hideyhole - the sofa bed.  She has sold the two sofas from The Forbidden Room (she never lets me in there, because of lots of tempting chewy wires... the one time I did get in there, I severed the phone and internet wires, and the tv antennae wire) so MY sofa bed is now in there.

We now have our passage booked on a plane from Heathrow to Minneapolis on the 29th of Feb.  I have overheard lots of bad language as she calls various vets, because apparently we need to have something called a FIT TO FLY letter to hop onto the plane, and the vets (*shudder*) are trying to charge her a fortune to write one.  I should think that I could just write one myself, saying all is fine with me, and Holly is obviously in good health as she was trying to chomp me through the bunny gate this morning, and Willow is as fit as ever.  Clover doesn't say much, he's a bit shy, but he looks ok.  Silly humans.

But I'm sure I was very helpful this morning, as I was bored and hungry about 4.41am, so thought I would jump up on the slave's bed to say hello, and 'where's my pellets'?  Funnily enough, she didn't want to stroke me for the required length of time when I woke her up extra early.  I thought I was being helpful, as it would give her more hours today to go through all the stuff that she has.  Just no pleasing some humans.

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